San Diego Home/Garden Lifestyles: Mod Palm

San Diego Home/Garden Lifestyles celebrates the very best in local home, garden, style, travel and food. In an effort to make all aspects of life more beautiful, they provide practical tips, tricks, ideas, inspirations, advice and know-how in thoughtful ways that readers find use for in their homes, in their kitchens, in their gardens and in their personal style. This summer, SDG/GL included Mod Palm in their “Hot Finds” feature and credits both New Ravenna, designer Joni Vanderslice of J. Banks Design, and Unique Stone Imports, our showroom in San Diego where you can find Mod Palm and any other New Ravenna tile if you’re around the area and interested! We love this piece because, in addition to our bold mosaic, there are so many products to feed the senses! From wallpaper, bathing suits and candles to lamps, mirrors and soap, this issue really does describe “what we want NOW.”

Mod Palm is a hand-cut jewel glass mosaic which was designed by Joni Vanderslice as part of the J. Banks Collection for New Ravenna. It is shown below in Verdite, Peridot, Malachite, Chrysocolla, Savorite, Cat’s Eye, Jasper, Schist, Tanzite, and Peridot with Moonstone background with a Sea Glass™ finish.

Mod Palm, a hand-cut jewel glass mosaic, shown in Verdite, Peridot, Malachite, Chrysocolla, Savorite, Cat’s Eye, Jasper, Schist, Tanzite, and Peridot with Moonstone background with a Sea Glass™ finish, designed by Joni Vanderslice for the Broad Street collection by New Ravenna.

See more Mod Palm here and see the full collection from J. Banks Design for New Ravenna here. For more information on New Ravenna products, contact the experts at the showroom nearest you.

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