The July/August issue of Traditional Home is now out with our Delft tiles featured in the “Eye Catchers” section. We have to agree…these mosaics are a modern take on the classic blue and white Delft tiles, and most definitely eye catching!

The Delft mosaic background is Opal Sea Glass, and the distinctive iconography is a combination of three colors of jewel glass: Lapis Lazuli, Iolite, and Covelite. Each piece of glass is cut and shaped by hand and arranged to create a mosaic interpretation of the decorative motifs found in traditional Dutch delftware as well as the marine life native to the Eastern Shore of Virginia, where New Ravenna is located in Exmore, Northampton County’s largest town.

Like all New Ravenna products, these Delft tiles are customizable. Lately, we’ve had a lot (and we do mean a lot) of requests from clients who want to turn their pets into Delft tile trivets. Visit one of our showrooms today to learn how you can turn your home into an eye catching space of its own.