KB-Eye: Tissé Collection

The KB-Network is a comprehensive newsfeed for the kitchen and bathroom industry in the UK. After we launched our latest collection, Tissé (which means “to weave” in French), they released this article and we are so thankful for their support!

Twill Ombre, a hand-cut stone mosaic shown in polished Kay’s Green and Verde Alpi with honed Angora and Orpheus Black by New Ravenna.

Tissé is composed of 23 patterns, all inspired by international weaving techniques and textiles, and explores the structure of the raw materials and techniques of heritage designs used in textiles and upholstery. Traditional fibers like Rattan, Jute, and Esparto are interpreted in stone colors that represent the original plant strands. Woven designs like Tweed, Gingham Chevron, Cabin Weave, Wicker, and Twill Ombre (shown above) were designed first by separating fabric threads to understand how the textile was created. For the Cardigan and Cable Knit mosaics, individual stitches were photographed and enlarged to recreate the intricate patterns.

Perseid, a hand-cut mosaic shown in tumbled Desert Pink and Italian Rose by New Ravenna.

Individual stone pieces were then hand cut, tumbled or given a Venetian (pillowed) effect to soften the stone with a more rounded finish. Darker grout was applied to create shadows and depth between each piece of stone, glass, and shell.

The mosaics we create at New Ravenna are completely customizable and can be made to order in any color and size and in most materials. The choice is yours! To find the New Ravenna showroom nearest you, click here.

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